Tuesday, 7 October 2014

OUGD504 - Study Task 3 - Kickstarter Project


The idea that I'm going to be doing my logo on is Kreweser, which, put shortly, is a motorised tricycle that has a great big drinks cooler as a seat. I like the idea of cold beer, and I like the idea of not having to walk around, what could be more perfect?

Requirements of the Client

One thing about this becomes immediately problematic about this idea. Due to the 18mph top speed on this thing and its ability to carry large volumes of alcohol, the drink driving issue comes up. Because of this it needs to be branded as a novelty item rather than some serious party accessory, sort of like a Segway. 

Secondly, it has a pretty niche market, and I think that's pretty well summed up by the photo's on the Kickstarter page, where they all are being driven or sat on by attractive young women or have been customised in a pretty grungy way. This suggests that their main audience would be the stereotypical rich American college student at a big campus university, the sort of thing you see in films. Because of this in needs to be branded as a fairly cool thing.

Lastly, I'd have thought that given the uniqueness of the product, they'd want the logo to reflect this. The problem that this presents is that most ideas that haven't been done haven't been done because they're bad ideas.

Required Research 

Being quite an obscure project, the Kreweser has a few similar companies that I can look into for research into branding. The different types of companies will all have different elements I can take from them.

Car Companies
There are a lot of car companies have a reputation for being cool brands, Aston Martin, Ferrari etc etc. Those sort of brands could definitely provide some decent inspiration and the fact that the Kreweser is a sort of vehicle just makes this all the more appropriate.

Alcohol Companies
The Kreweser was primarily invented to transport booze. Most alcohol companies have very slick branding which come across as very "hip" and "trendy". This is the sort of message that the logo for the Kreweser needs to put across.

Bike Companies and Segways
Given that the Kreweser is a form of personal transport, it makes sense to look at the branding of bike companies, both pedal bikes and motorbikes. As well is this I'm going to look at the branding for Segway, as that sort of unique transport is pretty similar to the Kreweser in concept.

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