I then used the curve in the Budweiser beer bottle to adapt the K to give it a bit more personality and individualism.
I decided I wanted to use the wheel of the Kreweser inside a bottle top for the symbol in the logo, as that brings together both the drinking and refreshment aspect of the product and the movement aspect. This gave me the symbol for the logo.
Following on from the crit, I decided to change the shape of the counter in the final R into a bottle opener, and having the bottle on the left and the opener on the right suggests that the product has something to do with beer even without a symbol.
Combining these together gave me the first suggestion of a full logo.
I then took this into photoshop and tried to give make it look like it was made from some sort of cold metallic material, similar to the Coors cans, as this reflects the refreshment the product provides. However, after spending a considerable amount of time on this, the best I managed is shown below, which I wasn't overly happy with as I think it looks a bit juvenile.
It was confirmed to me that this was bad when I quickly imposed it onto the Kreweser itself to see how it sat with the product in a real world situation. The fairly complex effects just don't work at a small size and the colours don't make an impact. It just looks terrible.
Seeing it in this context suggested to me that I should return to black and white and try something else to give it a little edge. In order to try and suggest movement in the type I added a skew to the lettering, and I think it gives it the edge it needs. I also thought that the symbol was quite overpowering in terms of trying to read the text, so I made it smaller. I played around with this a bit and found that at twice the height of the text how it looks its most balanced.
I imposed this onto to product. This time I separated the symbol from the text though to see show how they'd work in different circumstances, and I'm much happier with this one.
I think that having the logo this way has the right sort of mix between appropriateness for the project, social responsibility by now basing it around binge drinking, and a sense of American design that relates to the target market.
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