Saturday, 25 October 2014

OUGD503 - Royal Mint Competition - Brief

I've decided that the first brief I will do for the responsive module is the Royal Mint competition brief, where a design is needed for the tails side of a new one pound coin.

I feel like this brief is very unique, and the I like the idea of patriotism behind it, as well as the exposure and cash prize on offer to the winner.

The shape of the coin is shown below.

The requirements of the brief are:
  • The government expects that the coin will be 12-sided and bi-colour, with a gold-coloured outer ring and a silver- coloured centre. Designs should be based on the specification of the proposed coin, on which the government is currently consulting. The Royal Mint will work with the winning entrant to ensure that their design fits the final specification.
  • A portrait of Her Majesty The Queen will be used for one side of the coin. Entrants will need to provide a design for the tails, or reverse side, only.
  • The denomination ONE POUND must appear as part of the overall design but it is left up to you precisely where it is placed within the design.
  • The expected diameter of the coin will be between 22.5mm and 24.5mm. For design purposes you may like to assume the midpoint of this range, however the final specification will only be announced following the completion of the public consultation process.
  • Your design should be orientated with a point of the proposed 12-sided shape at the base. Designs must not include a recognisable likeness of a known person, whether living or dead.
  • Your design must be your own work, must not be copied from someone else and must not contain any third-party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use.
  • All designs submitted should be presented on the supplied template, which can be downloaded from The Royal Mint website.
  • Designs can be submitted in pencil, ink, paint or using computer drawing or design software. We cannot accept 3D entries, including collages or models.
  • To ensure the competition is fair, please do not include any initials or identifying marks on your designs. The winner will be identified via their unique reference code, and it is therefore very important that the registration process is completed correctly.
  • Three-dimensional models will be made of the designs that are short-listed towards the end of the selection process. A fee of £1,000 per model will be paid to those invited to prepare models of their designs. This payment will be reduced to £250 per model if the models, by agreement, are prepared by The Royal Mint.

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