After producing another of both the recipe and menu cards with different content in the same layout, I discovered a slight problem with them both.
Recipe Cards
The header text on recipe card was too low down, which meant that any letters with a descender would interfere with the text below it, so that had to be moved up slightly. I also found that any topping which required a third ingredient meant that the text sat on top of the egg box vector, so I had to reposition the egg box slightly further down the page. The two are only slightly different, and visually it is only noticeable because of the different heading text. I think the extravagant curves in the typeface cause a clear enough to difference for it to be noticeable, and because it's only a minor difference, it causes intrigue as to if there are any more differences, which encourages interaction.
These are my two final recipe cards, they will be printed back to back.
Menu Cards
The only problem I found with my menu cards was that some of the pancake toppings required 2 lines of text instead of 1. I remedied this by only using 3 lines of body copy for those examples rather than 4. I also realised I'd not put the web address anywhere, and after experimenting with a couple of positions, I decided that it worked well at the bottom of the page as it split up the border a bit, making it look slightly less geometric.
These are my final two menu cards, which will also be printed back to back.
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