Tuesday, 10 February 2015

OUGD503 - Roses Awards - Nonversation - Campaign Research From CoP

As part of my research for my CoP essay, I looked at what makes a successful fear campaign, and Age Of Propaganda a book written by psychology professors Elliot Aronson and Anthony Pratkanis. They summarised that a fear campaign was most successful when:

"(1) it scares the hell out of people, (2) it offers a specific recommendation for overcoming the fear-arousing threat, (3) the recommended action is perceived as effective for reducing the threat, and (4) the message recipient believes that he or she can perform the recommended action."

When you remove the fear from this, it can still be applied to any other campaign. The tagline I'll use on the campaign will be:

stop the #nonversation, shame the #nonversationalists

In this instance, the threat is of nonversation becoming common in society and quality of conversation disintegrating. This tagline fulfils (2) and (3) because by shaming someone on Twitter when they've said something stupid is slowly going to stop people saying stupid things. It also fulfils (4) because it uses a simple process that people are familiar with.

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