Thursday, 19 March 2015

OUGD503 (Collaborative) - D&AD - WWF - Voucher Book

Given that most school classes have about 25 students in them, a book of 32 would ensure that there are plenty for any one class. Printing 32 at a time would also make sense from a logistical standpoint as after a border is left round the page, you can split the page into 4 rows and 8 columns where each is 5cm x 7cm, which is a would fit in a pocket or wallet.

Such a small size means that text will have to be small, but this shouldn't be an issue as the target audience is young and will generally have good eyesight.

I started off with a 5mm border around the edge which gives some room for error when the page is printed on the other side. 

The logos were placed at the bottom so they were the same height with a 5mm gap between them, left a 5mm border above that.

The "Tear Here" text was placed slightly above the border with a small gap between that and the dotted line and left another 5mm gap below it. This gives plenty of room for the voucher book to be bound together.

The remaining space was used for the condom and the text. The redeem text is 8pt Open Sans so that it sits comfortably over two lines, the main text is 14pt as that fits the grid well. The image of the condom is sized and position where it draws your eye from the top text down across the page to the bottom.

The back of the voucher has the logos in the same place for consistency in the grid. 

Text is 6pt in order for it all to fit on. This isn't an issue though as it's still readable for those with good eyesight, which a young audience generally will have.

The bold text is placed on the right rather than the left as the regular text needed the larger column in order for it to all fit on. Despite it making no sense in terms of a logical hierarchy, the fact that their is more of it than the bold text balances this out visually.

As discussed previously they fit well on a 8x4 grid on A3 paper. They'll be printed on the same recycled paper that we ordered for the packaging.

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