Health Benefits
- Decreased risk of colonic cancer
- Improvement of the digestive system
- Improvement in bone health
- Quicker healing skin
A third of all mangoes are grown in India, but most of them are eaten in India, of all worldwide mango imports, only 1% come from India. China and Spain are the next largest growers of mangoes, but they're also commonly grown in most countries on or close to the equator such as Mexico, The Congo, and The Caribbean Islands.
- They are the most eaten fruit in the world.
- Mango trees have been known to be over 300 years old and still grow fruit.
- It is said in Indian folklore that the Buddha meditated under a Mango tree.
Yellow #ffcc66 (255, 204, 102)
Red #cc3333 (204, 51, 51)
Green #669966 (102, 153, 102)
Health Benefits
- Reduces risk of high blood pressure
- Improves digestive system
- Improves immune system
- Reduces symptoms of asthma
- Helps sleep quality
Passionfruit naturally grows mainly in South American countries, Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay in particular. It's also grown commercially in India, New Zealand, The Caribbean, Mexico, warmer states in the USA, south and east Africa and Australia.
- The pulp is used more often in sauces and drinks than the fruit is eaten
- It got its name from Spanish missionaries who thought the flower looked like various religious symbols
Maroon #993333 (153, 51, 51)
Yellow #ffcc00 (255, 204, 0)
Red #ef3c39 (239, 60, 57)
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