Wednesday, 21 January 2015

OUGD503 - Work For Creative Advertising Student - WWF - First Billboard

After looking into what aspect ratio billboards normally are, we decided to go with a 2:1 ratio so cropped the original photo down.

I then altered the colours a bit using the brightness and contrast sliders, using masks for the mirror and Beths hair.

I found a free lipstick font online called Lipstick Traces. When I used it in it's usual form this is what it looks like.

It didn't look very handwritten because of how even it is, so I changed the leading, tracking and vertical height of the individual letters as well as making some of them italic, then duplicating it a couple of times and nudging it slightly to make it bolder, to look like this, which was much more suitable.

After that I worked on the rest of the text. I decided to use Helvetica Neue because of how it doesn't distract any attention from the rest of the billboard. My first effort was this, which I showed Beth, but she said she'd like the text to be closer to the mirror.

I made it smaller and repositioned it, but then I found it conflicted too much with the "Face Of A Killer", whereas before it was more dominant. I tried it smaller so that the negative space around it is what helps draw attention to it and it was noticeably smaller than the mirror text. I showed Beth both of the below versions and she agreed with me that the smaller text looked better.

I think that this is down not only to the text competing with each other less, but also in the top one I had centred the text box's position between the mirror and the right side of the billboard, with it having no relationship with the logo, which is also centrally aligned in its space. In the second one however, I aligned the right of the text box with the vertical line in the WWF D&AD logo, and I think this helps the layout look more considered and natural.

I also showed Beth this, which I'd done as a way of making the mirror text stand out more, as well as taking some attention away from all the hair products by taking the colour out of them.

I personally feel like the black and white images has a much higher impact, but Beth said she wanted to keep the full colour version as she wanted it for consistency throughout the series. With this in mind I'm going to do a black and white version of all 4 and show her them at the end and see what she thinks.

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